‘We gather as Indigenous Peoples of our respective nations recognising
July 28th Executive pre-meeting day
July 29th to July 31st AGM + Election of Executives
July 30th to July 31th Youth Camp
July 31st to August 1st Celebrating Community
August 2nd WINHEC Community Stories
College of Indigenous Studies
National Dong Hwa University
In pursuit of the vision of WINHEC, we share a collective goal of Indigenous Peoples of the world united in the collective synergy of self-determination through control of higher education. In doing so we have the common objective of being, committed to building partnerships that restore and retain indigenous spirituality, cultures and languages, homelands, social systems, economic systems and self-determination.
The WINHEC and 2019 local host committee (TAIWAN) look forward to welcoming you to the upcoming AGM from July 29 to August 2 at the National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan! This year, we will have a AGM, Celebrating Community, Youth Leadership Camp and WINHEC Community Stories.
As usual, we will have a full day AGM Executive pre-meeting a day earlier for Country Representative / Board members, Executive of WINU, BoA and planning group. That is July 28th, so arrival in Hualien on July 27th is highly recommended.
Last year we started international indigenous youth camp as a side event, and it was very fruitful! The group raised up their topics of concerns: Water, Resources, and Missing Indigenous Women, so we are going to have youth camp again this year.
We hope you will come to join us at WINHEC AGM as well as supporting our host county’s Indigenous Peoples education rights.
Let us get together to learn and share our vibrant traditional culture, explore the wisdom of our ancestors and immersing ourselves in the spectacular sights of nature, while the storytellers chronicle our rich history.
If you have any further question, please contact us at winhec2019agm@gmail.com